After watching the republican primaries this election, I
can’t help but think the same way. They make the primaries seem as though it is
some reality TV show but in reality, it is just a bunch of people getting in
front of the camera and saying what the people want to hear to win votes while ignoring the real issues at hand. It’s
ridiculous to think back in 2008 when Obama ran for president, he fed the
public nothing but false promises. It was like watching a parent feed a child
candy to keep them happy. He promised to bring our troops home and nothing but
change, but how many of those promises has he followed through on. Yes, it’s
understandable that when you actually become president, the situation changes;
you see the whole picture and all you can do is come up with a solution with
the most compromises, but then it brings you back to the question, why have
this whole exhibition of two sides if in the end it really doesn’t make a
difference. The nominees do what they can to get in and when they are in, they
have no responsibility but to keep the important people happy, which sadly
isn’t us, the people.
I like your quote because it makes me think about Ron Paul’s
message; he talks of nothing but falling back on the constitution, because
really, that is what this country was formed upon; that is our foundation. Our
forefathers did not write the constitution just so it could be adjusted at
will; they were the creators, as a creator you don’t come up with rules if they
were meant to be broken and ignored, especially if it has to do with the way of
life for a whole nation.
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